A liquid crystal with pyridine group was synthesized from reactants of pyrogallic acid and isonicotinato by esterification reaction. 以焦性没食子酸和异烟酸为原料合成了带吡啶官能团的液晶配体。
Toxicity of Gallic Acid and Pyrogallic Acid to Anaerobic Microbe 没食子酸和焦性没食子酸对厌氧微生物的毒性研究
This enzyme could quickly catalyze the oxidation of pyrogallic acid as a substrate, but exhibited relatively low catalysis activity towards catechol, hydroquinone and resorcinol. 该酶迅速催化焦性没食子酸的酶促氧化反应,但对邻苯二酚、对苯二酚和间苯二酚的催化活性较低。
Methods The activity of SOD in serum was measured by self-oxidation of pyrogallic acid. 方法用连苯三酚自氧化法测定血清SOD活性;
Preparation and anticorrosion of sulfite stabilized by pyrogallic acid 焦性没食子酸稳定亚硫酸盐的制备及其防腐蚀性能
The inhibition of sulfite oxidation by pyrogallic acid was investigated in oxygen scavenging and air oxidation experiments. 通过除氧速度和空气氧化速度测定,研究了焦性没食子酸对亚硫酸盐自动氧化的阻滞作用。
Study on the Thermochromism of Nickel Stearate and Pyrogallic Acid 硬脂酸镍与焦性没食子酸的热致变色反应研究
To establish a model of oxidative damage in erythrocyte ghost induced by superoxide anion free radicals ( SAFR), and to study the protective action of portulaca total flavone on oxidative damage was induced by SAFR which was produced by auto-oxidation of pyrogallic acid. 为建立超氧阴离子自由基(O2·-)引发人红细胞膜氧化损伤实验模型,研究马齿苋总黄酮对红细胞膜氧化损伤的保护作用。
In an acetate buffer medium of pH 6.6, a colored complex was formed between pentavalent vanadium ion and pyrogallic acid. 于pH6.6的乙酸盐缓冲溶液中,五价钒离子与焦性没食子酸反应生成有色络合物。
Research on the effects of pyrogallic acid on flotation behavior of sulphide minerals and its interaction mechanism 焦性没食子酸对硫化矿物的抑制性能和作用机理
For flotation of the cerussite, the pyrogallic acid can selectively depressed the calcite and quartz. 焦性末食子酸选择性抑制了方解石和石英。
And SPS could scavenge O2 ·-generated by the self-oxidation of pyrogallic acid, alleviate H2O2-induced hemolysis of RBC, inhibit the microsomal lipid peroxidation in the damaged liver homogenate of mice induced by CCl4; 对过氧化氢诱导的红细胞溶血有一定的抑制作用,能抑制CCl4引发的小鼠肝脂质过氧化;
Activities of SOD in tissues and red cells were determined by the method of pyrogallic acid autoxidation. Activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) in erythrocyte and myocardium were measured with pyrogallic acid autoxidation method. 利用邻苯三酚自氧化法测定SOD;采用邻苯三酚自氧化法测定红细胞和心肌超氧化物歧化酶活性;
The interaction of nickel stearate with pyrogallic acid in n-Amyl alcohol solution were studied by uv-vis spectra. The result showed that Nickel stearate with pyrogallic acid formed 1:1 complex. 通过紫外可见光谱研究了硬脂酸镍与焦性没食子酸在戊醇溶液中的相互作用,实验结果表明硬脂酸镍与焦性没食子酸按1:1形成配合物。
The purified enzyme quickly oxidized pyrogallic acid, and had no activity towards catechol, resorcinol, hydroquinone and chlorogenic acid. 使用部分纯化后的酶液进行特性分析。该酶能迅速地催化焦性没食子酸的酶促氧化反应,而对邻苯二酚、间苯二酚、对苯二酚和绿原酸则完全无催化活性。
Found that isolated from traditional Chinese medicine compound gallic acid lactone, myricetin, pyrogallic acid with a good role in inhibiting bacterial growth. 发现从中药中分离得到的化合物没食子酸内酯、杨梅黄酮、焦性没食子酸具有较好的抑制细菌生长作用。
In vivo results show that MMP-2 and MMP-9 protein in normal 4d pregnant mice endometrium is moderate expressed, however, Pyrogallic acid decreased MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. 在体实验结果显示,正常怀孕4d的小鼠子宫内膜表达中等强度的MMP-2和MMP-9蛋白,焦性没食子酸作用后MMP-2和MMP-9表达下降。
The PPO activity towards pyrogallic acid in Misi sweet carambola was significantly higher than other varieties PPO activity, and the PPO activity in acid carambola was extremely weak. 不同杨桃品种的PPO活性有很大的差异:蜜丝甜杨桃PPO对焦性没食子酸的氧化活性明显高于其他品种PPO活性,而酸杨桃PPO活性极弱。
The main results were as follows: 1. All sweet carambola fruits tested had PPO activity, and all PPO strongly oxidized pyrogallic acid, but very weak oxidative activity towards chlorogenic acid was recognized. The PPO activity was very different among the kinds of carambola cultivars. 主要研究结果如下:1、在调查的所有甜杨桃品种的果实中都有PPO活性,所有甜杨桃品种的PPO都强烈催化焦性没食子酸的氧化反应,但对绿原酸的氧化活性很弱。
Pyrogallic acid enabled endometrial changes in organizational structure and endometrial hyperplasia and thickening were significantly weaker than those in the control group. Moreover, angiogenesis was also not obvious. 给予焦性没食子酸后小鼠子宫内膜的组织结构产生改变,表现为内膜增生、增厚明显弱于对照组,血管增生不明显,提示其影响了胚泡的着床。
Therefore, Pyrogallic Acid may have impact on endometrial receptivity by influencing MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities. 因此,焦性没食子酸可能通过影响MMP-2和MMP-9的活性对子宫内膜容受性产生影响。